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Cabling Installation Professionals, 

If you’re concerned about

…then SPEEDWRAP® Brand Hook & Loop Fasteners are your type of product!

Speedtech Offering:

speedwrap fasteners

SPEEDWRAP Pre-Printed Tape 4 Bundling


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Why do professionals choose SPEEDWRAP® Brand Hook & Loop Fasteners for their structured cabling needs?  

  1. Optimizing cable pathways
  2. Helping ensure system performance
  3. Helping make maintenance easier, faster, and more profitable
  4. Preparing for future expansion
  5. Safer work environment
  6. Aesthetics – proxy on quality

Optimizing Cable Pathways

A new trend – Space in cable trays and baskets is decreasing. Because the diameters of the cables you install are fixed, the way to increase space in pathways is to do more bundling and better cable management!

Pro installers are no longer pulling and laying cables loose in trays.  And many are no longer bundling cables ONLY where they exit the pathways

We’re at an inflection point where it makes sense to bundle cables in cable pathways.  

Many installers are dressing their cabling, installing hook & loop every 1-2 feet in the pathways, and then every 4-6 inches at the point of exit.

They know exactly how long it will take them to bundle these cables, place them in the trays, and complete the entire installation.  By tightly bundling these cables, they are creating space in these pathways, planning for the future, and making maintenance more profitable.  


A system is only as good as its weakest link!   

You already know that nylon ‘zip ties’ can wear through the cabling jacket or can be over-tightened and cause signal impedance.    But what’s new is that with the increase in cables, comes the increased weight of these bundles. Larger bundles equal more expansion pressure and greater weight. Bundle pressure + weight + nylon ‘zip ties’ =  not good.



SPEEDWRAP®ing helps with maintenance. 

When you dump hundreds of cables into trays, tracing and repairs become a nightmare!

Repairs are faster and more profitable when you’ve SPEEDWRAP®ed.

Future – Expansion:

Dressing cables inside cable pathways prepare you for future expansion.

 By using SPEEDWRAP®, the pathways are optimized for changes and expansion– and more profitable!


Reaching into a ceiling or dark area, sliding your arm along the cables, and catching your wrist on the sharp edge of a zip tie is dangerous!

USE Soft, flexible, SPEEDWRAP® fasteners for a safer work environment.

Aesthetics & Quality: 


SPEEDWRAP® Tape installed at a new CRESCENT Distribution facility.

We’re hearing more and more about the focus on improving the appearance quality of your design or installation.

Simply put, the IT Department understands the quality of your work when you show them how the system meets its designed specifications.  But how do the owners of that company judge quality?  When future customers view that job, how do they gauge quality?   It’s not by bits – but by the look!

 Well-dressed cabling that looks managed, clean, and organized is a PROXY on quality.  It’s a PROXY on your work!   


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VELCRO® Brand Cable Ties for Cabling Installation:

The VELCRO® Brand is one you can trust.  As an Authorized Fabricator of VELCRO® Brand Materials, we take these materials and put them into a usable shape. Specifically- we fabricate specialized fasteners for structured cabling and solutions for both the Installer and Specifier.

If you currently purchase VELCRO® Brand Cable Ties or Linear Tapes, we’re well-positioned to supply them to you. Visit our VELCRO® Brand Category Page for highlights or contact us for pricing and more. 


Speedtech International, Inc has been a leading manufacturer of Hook & Loop Fasteners since 1994.  We helped pioneer the development of cable ties, straps, tapes, and custom printing – using Hook & Loop.   As a result, we have the largest product offering.  Our largest market is the Electrical Market – for use on structured cabling.