Canada, Clean Core parterning on thorium-nuclear; California Natural Gas Perspective
EnergyTech Transition NL | View online
April 17, 2023
Sustainability is wonderful, but grid resiliency, dependability and affordability are paramount to customers. That will never change no matter how decarbonized we get or how high the temperature rises.
Clean Core’s ANEEL fuel technology is a proprietary technology that utilizes thorium and high assay low enriched Uranium (HALEU) to enhance the economics and safety of CANDU reactors and pressurized heavy water reactors
Due to climate change, it is risky and costly for California to be overly dependent on renewable energy. To mitigate the risk of a drastic transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, California needs to invest in new storage and pipeline capacity
The operator of DART Transit Service's has become the first customer to utilize Proterra's integrated fleet and energy management software platform Valence. DTC also received six new 35-foot Proterra ZX5 battery-electric buses

This interactive webinar will discuss the need for OT network visibility, identification, and asset inventory at critical sites, to enable organizations to understand their network architecture and better segment, investigate, and respond to threats.